Weekly Response Blog- March 9th 2013

 Get Rich Slowly Article

 This week’s article revolved around a man who decided to quit his day job and make blogging his career/profession. The website he created called “ Get Rich Slowly “, started off as a small website and turned into a real life business. At the time that this article was written, the website had 35,000 subscribers and generated $5,000 in revenue every month. The founder, J.D. Roth, saw the increase of subscribers as both a blessing and a curse.           

The “blessing” was that he was making a substantial amount of money and he was even able to get himself out of debt faster than he would ever imagine. Second, he was able to start achieving financial goals, and finally, he was able to have an emergency fund.  The “curse” was his lack of time management and how long it took for him to write Get Rich Slowly. He was unhappy about not being able to do extracurricular things such as playing games or reading books.  

He clearly labeled each part of the article and explained each and every single one. From stating what his decision was, to what his plan was, to how he prepared himself to make such a drastic decision to what his dream is and where he plans on going with this blog.  His decision to leave his daytime job meant he would be sacrificing his second income, an additional retirement plan and daily contact with co-workers all for a future that is not guaranteed. His plan was to start cutting down days at his day job to be able to invest more time into the website over the next year.

He stated that he had always wanted to be a writer but he never thought he would be writing about his personal finances. He created a list of all the things he had to prepare himself for self-employment. He started crunching numbers, managing his money, embracefrugality, seek professional advice, pursue multiple streams of income, define goals and focusing on what’s important. He sat down a created a spending plan in which he listed all of his obligations.

Finally, he spoke about what his dream was. He knew that leaving his family’s business meant he would sacrifice stability but on the other hand, he would be gaining time to do things that he did not have before. He would have time to go to the gym, read his emails and start up on a book that he had been thinking about. A lifestyle that he had always dreamed about and he was willing to share with everyone who was willing to read his writing.